Beverage of Choice

Beverage of Choice

Which is America’s most popular alcoholic beverage: beer, wine or liquor?  The Gallup organization found that beer is America’s choice when it comes to alcoholic consumption, and that has generally been true since the polling company has been asking the question.  Today, 42% of Americans answered “beer” when asked which beverage they drink most often, compared with 32% naming wine, and 20% who prefer one of a variety of liquors.

Although the statistics have been relatively consistent, wine actually out polled beer by a percentage point in 2005, and beer and wine were essentially equal in the hearts of Americans in 2011 and 2013 before beer suddenly broke out into the lead again.

The statistics mask some interesting gender differences.  Overall, blending the results from 2010 through 2016, 54% of men reported preferring beer, vs. 23% of women.  50% of women preferred wine, vs. just 18% of men.  A higher percentage of men—22% vs. 18%—preferred liquor.

Of course, these statistics only apply to people who drink alcohol.  The survey found that a surprisingly high percentage—35%—of Americans totally abstain from consuming alcohol—a percentage that has remained generally consistent since 1937.

Written by Bob Veres
